Safe Environment Process

To Register for online Safe Enviromnet Training, individuals should go to the Virtus Homepage.

1.  Click on FIRST-TIME REGISTRANT button.

2.  Click the  "Begin the registration process"

3.  Using the drop down menu, scroll down to and click on "Venice (Diocese)" then click on the "Select" button.

4.  If you have never registered as a user of the VIRTUS system, cliclk no in response to the question "Have you previosly resgistered with VIRTUS Online.  If you have registered with Virtus Online before, you must click yes.  You will then be given instructions on how to recover your account.

5.  First-time registrants will be given the opportunity to choose a user name and set a password.  It is important to record the username and password you choose and safeguard this information for future use.

6.  Once you have selected your username and password, you will be taken through a number of steps to register.  While registering, take care to insure that you select the Parish or Organization within the Diocese of Venice at which you intend to volunteer.

7.  Once you complete the registration you will be directed to complete an online training module and  to register for fingerprinting for your background check.  Once you have completed training and your clearance from the background check is recieved, you will be contacted by your Local Safe Environment Coordinator.

8.  You are not permitted to participate in ANY volunteer activities until you are notified that you have been cleared to do so.