It has been the consistent practice of the Roman Catholic Church to administer the sacrament of Baptism to infants. Parents very naturally want to pass along their faith to their child and the values that flow from that faith; baptism marks the beginning of this faith life. Parents of a child to be baptized must be registered, active members of the San Antonio Catholic Church for at least 2 months before requesting the sacrament. If you are not already registered, you may do so by calling the office at (941) 624-3799. We recommend that you contact us prior to the birth of your child, so that you have time to properly prepare for this very special event and attend the required Baptismal Catechesis Class.
The Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation (commonly called Confession, Reconciliation or Penance) is one of seven sacraments of the Catholic Church.
Saturday 2:30pm until all are heard.
Also by Appointment call the Parish Office at 941-624-3799
Children eligible to receive First Eucharist are those who have reached the “age of reason” – that is, are at least 7 years old and have completed 2nd grade. Families who are registered parishioners with our parish and desire their child to receive First Communion need to ensure their child receives catechesis for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist. In order to register for these classes, parents must complete a “First Communion Registration Form” and return the form, along with a copy of their child’s Baptismal Certificate to the Parish Office. Please call the office at (941) 624-3799.
Who should receive Confirmation? “Every baptized person not yet confirmed can and should receive the sacrament of Confirmation.” (CCC 1306) Please call the office at (941) 624-3799.
Arrangements with a priest must be made at least six months in advance. Couple must be registered parishioners and attending mass for at least three months. Please call the office at (941) 624-3799
The Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA) is a process for welcoming and initiating adults into the Catholic Church.
The program is open to all persons, regardless of religious background, who seek to live their lives in the Catholic faith. OCIA welcomes people who have never been baptized as well as adults who were baptized in another Christian tradition and wish to become Roman Catholics.
All those interested in participating are asked to Contact Louise McDonough at (941) 624-3799