
Ushers provide necessary organizational support to our parish at weekend Masses and other liturgical events. It is the ushers’ responsibility to help welcome parishioners into the church itself, assist in their seating, and discretely help to lessen disruptions at the liturgies (i.e. latecomers, early departures, etc.).

Ushers perform a wide array of services, including taking up and securing the offertory collection, directing the flow of parishioners during communion services and processions, responding to emergency situations, offering assistance as needed, quantifying attendance at liturgical events, distributing bulletins at the end of Mass, and straightening up the sanctuary after the Mass or other ceremony.

Ushers are assigned to a Team for one of the weekend Masses and will serve at that Mass every second or third weekend, depending on scheduling. Youth Ushers are welcome! However, we ask that one of the parents commit to being an Usher to work alongside your youth and to be responsible for their transportation needs if they are under age 16.


Contact Linda Kopp at 941-624-3799