In order to prepare for an infant or young child's baptism (ages birth through 6*) it is necessary to complete the following steps:
Download our printable Baptismal Preparation Program. It will step you through the process. Copies are also available in Narthex.
Download and complete the San Antonio Baptism Registration Form.
Call us to schedule an initial interview and to submit completed baptism registration form. You must bring along a copy of the child's birth certificate.
Choose Godparent(s) and obtain required documentation.
Attend Baptismal Preparation class. The class is one session and is required for parents and godparents. An online class is available with a quiz following. See below.
Baptism will be scheduled following preparation and completion of other requirements.
Contact our office at 941-624-3799 at least six weeks prior to the anticipated Baptism. You are encouraged to contact us prior to the child’s birth. You must be registered in the Parish.
*Baptism for children ages 7 - 17 years of old take place as part of the OCIC program (Order of Christian Inititation for Children). Please contact our office for more information.
*Adult Baptism take place as part of the OCIA program (Order of Christian Initiation for Adults). See more information
Below is our online Baptism Preparation video. A password is required and will be given to you after our initial meeting to go over the registration for Baptism.
Click here for Baptism Preparation video
Once you have viewed this video, please fill out the quiz below and hit submit. It will be automatically emailed to us. We will contact you once it is received and reviewed.