About Us




We, the family of God At San Antonio Catholic Church, Welcome all…

To proclaim the Gospel, To celebrate the Eucharist, To share the laughter and the tears.

NO MATTER…How old you are or how young
NO MATTER…Your background, or present status
NO MATTER…Your origin or religious background
NO MATTER…How good or bad your actions have been
NO MATTER…If you are married or single, Widowed or divorced, separated or remarried
NO MATTER…If you are rich or poor
NO MATTER…Who or what you are or have been, You are wanted, appreciated and invited…

Contact us at 941-624-3799  


San Antonio Catholic Church was named in the memory of the first Spanish Catholic Mission that was built on the North Shores of the Peace River in 1567. Our magnificent stained glass window 10 feet in diameter depicts that original San Antonio Mission . In the lower left portion of the window there is a representation of a Calusa Indian settlement. The Mission Chapel stands at the bottom and has three crosses. In front of the chapel are several Spanish Conquistadors and slightly to the left, two dark clothed figures representing the Spanish Jesuit priest and brother assigned to the mission.




San Antonio imparts a calm, peaceful and prayerful atmosphere. Our lushly landscaped Memorial Prayer Garden located directly behind the church altar, invites us to pray, meditate and think of the loved ones we have lost.

Next to our Church, is our Ministry Building, housing our Faith Formation Classrooms, Pastoral Ministry, Music Ministry, Youth Ministry and Administrative Offices that house our staff. There is also a large Conference Room and Meeting Room.




Our Patron, St. Anthony of Padua was born August 15, 1195 and later named Ferdinand after his Baptism. Many miracles are attributed to St. Anthony and numerous legends grew around his works. He is known to be the Patron Saint of lost items. He died at the age of 36, on June 13, 1231 and immediately canonized within a year of his death. We have a relic given to our parish by our Bishop Frank Dewane displayed in the Narthex.